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Kudu, the guardian of all animals (with videos)
Final concept

Final concept

Final concept without the background

Final concept without the background

Final outline

Final outline

The mannequin, action poses

The mannequin, action poses

Final concept

Final concept

The mannequin, prthographic views

The mannequin, prthographic views

Outfit exploration

Outfit exploration

Body type exploration

Body type exploration

Kudu, the guardian of all animals (with videos)

In my story, Kudu is a warrior, the Guardian of the Animals and his duty is to guard all animals, to drive away the evil which might alter the sanctuary of nature. I worked on the entire character concept for about 30h during a 1:1 coaching program, and in my timelapse series I give an overview of the entire process.

Kudu is a character inspired by the African greater kudu antelope. It is being said that a Kudu is a totem of wisdom and their horns symbolize “the wisdom of spirits in the air”.
Youtube Playlist with timelapse process:

More artwork