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Sketching with straight lines (10+ timelapse videos)
Gate 1

Gate 1

Door 1

Door 1

Door 2

Door 2

Door 3

Door 3

Door 4

Door 4

Double Doors

Double Doors

Gate 3

Gate 3

Gate 2

Gate 2

Window 1

Window 1

Window 2

Window 2

Sketching with straight lines (10+ timelapse videos)

From my sketchbook practice with dominant straight lines. In fact, I force my pen to snap to vertical and horizontal as much as possible. I'm keeping the values simple to a max of 4 shades and, I aim for a time spent per sketch somewhere between 1-4h.

Youtube playlist with timelapse videos for my this exercises:

The sketch are done primarily in 3 steps:
Step 1. Layout and proportions
Step 2. Basic depth as max and min shades
Step 3. Adding the details

More artwork